Virtual gifts are a great way to give alternative gifts to family, friends and loved ones whilst making a difference around the world.

Virtual Gifts

Recovery starts with shelter and virtual gifts help empower families to start the process of recovery after disaster. Defy gift-giving conventions today and help families recover for tomorrow.

These are examples of how your gift could be put into action. It will bring vital support to families in crises all around the world, giving them shelter and practical aid items tailored to their needs.



Tropical Storm

Tropical Storm Kit



Earthquake kit


Severe Flooding

Severe Flooding Kit


Shelter kit

Shelter kit


Solar light

Solar light


Kitchen set

Kitchen set



Mosquito net



Water filter


Shelter Tool Kit

Shelter Tool Kit


Family Tent

Family Tent


Community Tool

Community Tool Kit


Rope and
                                Tarpaulin Set

Rope and Tarp Set


Children's clothing set

Children’s clothing


Thermal blanket



Children's coat

Children’s coat


                                Clothing Bundle

Winter Clothing


Shelter Pack

Shelter Pack


Woman smiling holding cooking pots

Your gift in action

Your gift is so much more than an e-card. It’s also a gift for someone like Risa, whose home was destroyed when Tropical Cyclone Harold hit Vanuatu.

Sadly, the storm took the side of her house and tore off her roof. All of the crops in her garden were damaged.

But thanks to our incredible supporters, we were able to provide Risa with the essentials she needed to rebuild – tarpaulins, a tool kit, a kitchen set and a hygiene kit.

It has helped us a lot. I have had mothers dance with joy when they opened the packages!

Learn More

Don’t want to send a card?


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